Friday, 16 November 2012

A digestive phenomenon

Back in the 1930's, a French Chemist by the name of Paul Kouchakoff, discovered that when processed, cooked foods are initially taken into the mouth, the body's immune system immediately swings into action and white blood cells rush to the digestive system. This indicates that processed, cooked foods are seen by the immune system as something, which needs to be destroyed. This phenomenon is called 'Leucocytosis.'

This leaves me with the question, if our pets are fed processed cooked food every meal, every day of their life causing the white blood cells to continuously rush to the gut, then what is defending the rest of the body?

Could this then lead to the conclusion that eating processed cooked foods long-term cause degenerative diseases? It certainly makes sense. If the white blood cells are busy defending the digestive system, the rest of the body is open for attack.

It certainly sound like a raw food diet is the basis of good health, not only our pets but for us too.

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